Hello Dear,
While you are sleeping, I am writing this to wake you up. Yes, you heard it right!
Aren’t you feeling that it was just yesterday when you started off with your preparation? Time is so fast. It ticks without bothering about things like how many are left behind, or is not able to match pace or are quitting. Time is like the Sun. It will rise and set on its own terms, worrying about none.
However, here again to remind you of something that concerns you as much as it matters to your family i.e. your future!
“You have to fight through the bad days in order to earn the best days”
The starting point seemed perfect, the plan looked promising and you accepted it with full zeal and enthusiasm. It was with full faith that you joined it and promised yourself to be true to its essence. But it didn’t last for long. You deviated from it and started running behind the crowd (lakhs of aspirants) who has the habit of becoming a sink. Yes, a sink!
Sink storing resources— to stink!
Anything that is underutilized or misused will always be bad in taste. . You are not feeling well, and are tired with least amount of confidence.
There is no motivation that exists; if not stemming from within!
You can never ask for motivation or can get motivated by external factors—it is never meant to be permanent. This process is so tiring that unless you are convinced to the core that yes, this is what you want- nothing can keep you engaged. The real problem lies here. You were not convinced from the core.
Isn’t it? If yes, then what else matters to you other than your dream?
Legendary sportsman, Mohammad Ali said
“If you even dream of beating me, you’d better wake up and apologize”.
What does this mean? He could very well sense his goal and the sort of preparation he did to achieve it that made him quote the above statement. This is called confidence.
He went on to say this
“I’m not the greatest, I’m the double greatest. Not only do I knock ’em out, I pick the round. I’m the boldest, the prettiest, the most superior, most scientific, most skilfullest fighter in the ring today.”
Don’t be mistaken by concluding that it was overconfidence. No it was not. He proved every single word he spoke. How?
He did it with his actions and saved his words in the history for generations to come.
It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to the birth of a belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to unfurl. Sadly, the belief is missing in you.
While doing something you need to know the aim of that activity
The difference lies in one’s perspective and approach.
“Fear your incompetence; not the competition or the competitor”
Sincere aspirants understand the benefits of learning and take it as a challenge. They prepare in the same manner as examiner set the papers. They know that easy things will anyway be handled so they focus on working on extreme aspects. In the process, their analytical ability, knack of reading between the lines and correlating concepts get enhanced. They are aware of the fact that in real exam it is not the score in practice tests that will come to rescue but the attained knowledge. They go on to learn, learn and learn; being least bothered about the scores.
Likewise your aim should be to grasp as much knowledge as you can and prepare the topics holistically. Also you need to attempt the questions with full concentration to avoid silly mistakes. Every word which is used to frame a question has got a meaning- try to understand that. . You don’t need to over-think. Most of the times, the questions are straightforward and simple but we unnecessarily complicate them and mark the wrong option. Take this exercise as a learning platform and do as many experiments as you can and emerge with a winning combination for yourself.
After all, scoring is not always equal to winning. Isn’t it?
Sometimes we think that what we have learnt from one source is correct and we become rigid about it. Once we encounter something that goes against that concept we blindly call it wrong. This is a wrong attitude and it might harm you in the long run
As Mohammad Ali quoted
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing”
As a famous saying goes, “Being with a winner, makes you a winner.”
P.S- I would love reading your feedback and comments.
Thank You